Thursday, April 9, 2009

FANGTASTIC! The Vampire film is back.

Finally, a new vampire film for people who really appreciate the genre - Let the Right One In. After the twee pretty-boy vampires in Twilight, we at last have a vampire film that's worthy of the name - and it's Swedish! What's more, there's the promise of further original horror movies coming from Europe in the near future. Hollywood, eat your heart out, literally!

You can read about it here, and watch a trailer here.

It looks like it's gonna be worth a pint or two of the red stuff (or failing that, you can just buy a ticket like everyone else:)

Have a good Easter everyone, and don't get a pain in the neck.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I got goosebumps just from watching the trailer. Must be one hell of a movie!
